Sensors for quality control in real time
The pick-by-light sensors use a reflective measurement process to determine whether an item has been removed. This information is passed on to the pick-by-light software, which then authorises the next work step. This ensures that the work process can only continue if all items have been correctly removed. This enables efficient quality control in real time.
The RS485 ModBUS sensors are controlled by the SETAGO® software. In the so-called Time-of-Flight (ToF) process, an emitter emits infrared light with a wavelength of 940 nm. The integrated collector in the sensor measures the distance to the reference plane (zero point) based on the time required by the reflected infrared light. This method assumes that each sensor always has a reference plane.
The power supply and communication between the sensor and the control unit takes place via the RJ12 cables supplied. The sensors are addressed via a DIP switch, whereby addresses between 1 and 256 can be assigned. A separate adapter plate is supplied for attaching the sensor to profiles and similar structures.