
Responsible for the content

Setago.io GmbH
Brunnengasse 16
DE-90402 Nürnberg

Phone: +49 9131 9279180
Mail: info@setago.io

Managing Director
Caner Kader

Head office
90402 Nürnberg, Deutschland

District Court Nürnberg
Handelregisternummer: HRB 43667

Tax authorities Nürnberg
Steuernummer: 241/137/30265

VAT ID number
USt-Id-Nr. DE360343028

Responsibility for content
Responsible for the content of this website within the meaning of § 5 Telemediengesetz (TMG) and § 55 Rundfunk-Staatsvertrages (RStV) is Setago.io GmbH.

Conception and design

Batix Schweiz AG
Grindlenstrasse 3
CH-8954 Geroldswil
Phone: +41 44 545 32 70
Mail: info@batix.ch