Worker assistance system

Worker assistance system guides you step by step through the assembly process

Be it to quickly familiarize employees with the work process, to secure know-how or to support employees with multi-variant products and ensure quality. The advantages of digital work instructions are manifold. Create and manage your work instructions in digital form.

The software guides employees safely through the individual process steps using text, images and videos. The worker assistance system enables even new, inexperienced or cognitively impaired employees to successfully complete complex tasks without any training time. With the Setago.io worker assistance system, it has never been easier to create digital work instructions.

Software SETAGO® werkerassistenzsystem
Software SETAGO® werkerassistenzsystem
Mitarbeiter von Setago.io 18E3835CE72
Olaf Steppat

We would be happy to evaluate potential applications for our worker assistance system in your company so that you can become even more competitive!

Contact now
Advantages of a worker assistance system

Why you should choose a worker assistance system

Digital work instructions

Standardised and centrally stored


Tracking & tracing of serial numbers and batches

Secured know-how

Securing expertise and facilitating knowledge transfer

Short training times

Simple onboarding of new employees

Higher quality

Error reduction through guided process

Complete documentation

Record and save test protocols and documents

Worker assistance system - The most important functions

Overview of work instructions

All recorded instructions can be clearly grouped and arranged. A preview image supports identification.

Softwareoberfläche mit der Übersicht den erfassten digitalen Arbeitsanweisungen des Werkerassistenzsystems
Search function

Search function

Text field to search for the desired work instruction. Finding and selecting can also be done by scanning a barcode

Work instruction preview

Work instruction preview

Overview of the work instruction. Preview image, article number, title and the number of work steps

Display / View

Display / View

A tile and list view are available for selection

Folder structure

Folder structure

Create folders to better group and structure work instructions

Entering work steps

Enter the individual work steps with text, images, video and articles. Test documents, control of external devices or input fields for data acquisition can also be created.

Softwareoberfläche zum erfassen einer Arbeitsanweisung im Werkerassistenzsystems
The individual work steps

The individual work steps

Overview of the individual work steps

Text module

Text block

Text describing the work to be carried out

Selection of modules

Selection of blocks

Various blocks are available to describe and document the work step or to record data

Image / video block

Image / video block

Suitable images and videos describing the work step. Easy upload also via smartphone

Executing a work step

The employee sees a detailed description of how to carry out the work step and which article is required.

Softwareoberfläche eines Arbeitsschritts im Werkerassistenzsystems
Next work step

Next work step

Once the work step has been completed, you can move on to the next step



Known sources of error and special requirements can be highlighted / made visible here

Collect process data

Collect process data

Collect process data such as serial numbers, test results, etc. if this is required for quality assurance purposes



Description of the work process that the employee has to carry out. Visually supported with pictures and videos

Test now for free!
Test now 30 days free of charge the SETAGO® worker assistance system

Test the SETAGO® worker assistance system with 2 active users, 5 GB free storage space and 3 shareable documents.
All options of the business package are available to you.
Convince yourself!


Test it here for free!

Mitarbeiterin greift das Bauteil, welches der Pick by Light Sensor anzeigt

Employees are trained very quickly

Thanks to the use of SETAGO®, new employees can be trained very quickly. Employees with a lot of experience are quicker at assembly without the system, but if someone needs to be reassigned to a different position months later, they can get back into the relevant product very quickly with SETAGO®.
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Why the worker assistance system from setago.io

Why you should choose the Setago.io worker assistance system

Interfaces for external devices

Scanners, torque wrenches, robots, etc.

Data backup

Selectable in the cloud or on-premises

Test for free

30-day test incl. introductory meeting

Your contact person

We would be happy to evaluate potential applications for our worker assistance system in your company so that you can become even more competitive!

Mitarbeiter von Setago.io
Olaf Steppat
Solutions Sales Manager
Solutions Sales Manager
Solutions Sales Manager
+49 151 27147472
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